Tuesday, 26 April 2016


We all are unique and beautiful in our own ways. We are unique and talented. We just dont recognize it soon.
Well we all know it,  that each and everyone are born in  this beautiful world with a purpose. We just cant recognize it soon.We are all beautiful and unique.Every body has their own talent.Let go all fears and see the strive in yourself that you will get to win big. Just remember you are beautiful,authentic and you  will win big.Believe in yourself. Believing in yourself will not only make you stronger but will bring up the spark that you  lost by not trusting yourself.Trust yourself and you will see that you can change your day by your means, not by anyone or anybody.

Well let me give you a quick  answer. I am saying all these, cause their will be people coming in your way saying a lot of things.They will be shaking your belief and trust .They will be commenting on you all day. Here people referred to as "They"  are the people around you. The may be your friends,your neighbors, your work partners or your family.No matter  what you should be holding on to yourself and to your beliefs.

Trusting yourself is the beauty hidden in you. Some  never ever get to understand it.But when you understand it you will start understanding the magic hidden in it. The beauty inside you  will be  the style inside you. You need to start living by your means.

Let us take some examples:
When you start doing something different, People never love your idea unless you prove to yourself. So some say that you need to stop hurrying too much and think about what you are doing.And sometimes they say  to stop doing everything you do. The people  that say to you are really negative about themselves and they  try to stop you  do whatever you are doing. They are not only stopping you to achieve your dreams,but they are also creating a bitterness by saying you all the negative things. They try to disturb you by all the things they say and they create  a  negative behavior in you.
It will stop you from getting all the ideas that will take you to move forward.

Let today be the day to love yourself.Start loving yourself today and see that  there will be improvement in the grounds of positivity.
  Trust increases in yourself and you will be believing in what you do.Just dont question yourself in the middle of your experiment.Once you started your work, believe in it. Just go with the flow.

  You need to learn that you are not alone in this whole world.You are born with a purpose.By questioning your work,it will intentionally mean that you are questioning your thoughts. Love yourself, start knowing more about yourself. Make mistakes and learn from them .Just remember we are not born with user manuals to  know all the rules.
You should rule the world not ruled by the world.You should tell everyone  about your amazing journey not told by everyone about theirs.
There will be people who will  pick   more about flaws all the time. They try to judge you by your doings and thoughts. Dont make them do it.If you have flaws, even the other person has it. Every one born in this world has flaws. Its not a big deal to think different and be different.
Its not your fault that you are born different. Just remember you will survive if you are a believer rather than a doubter. Doubter always will be doubting every time.They have a lot of free time that they will be picking on others rather than doing their own business,
Love your flaws.If you are a sensitive person ,dont feel bad.It also means that you deal with things sensitively rather than being harsh on them.Just be a mountain so that nobody can  move you. The treasure in you should be used wisely or people will eat you in the way they want.
 Believe ,Love and care for yourself.You are the person who will be rising high, not anyone.Hold on to your ideas,ideals,goals rather than holding on to anybody,never let someone rule your life.With a positive attitude you can move on firmly and strongly. If you are stubborn ,that means you stand on to your own decisions. Thats not bad for you. Never doubt your intentions.Understand your intentions,your ideas and your dreams and start building them.You should prove it t yourself rather than proving it to somebody.

So  lets wind up by saying that you will be the one answering yourself.Love your flaws and love your positives.Just remember  "ruling the world is best than you  being ruled by the world".
Accept who you are.

One motto for life 
#fight for what you want
live and let live
#love yourself.

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