Saturday, 16 April 2016

Career and its Journey (series)

As I said earlier people tend to choose their careers based on 3 points they are


                              We talked about earlier that passion should be the force driving us ahead to maintain ourselves in the best way ahead.WHAT is passion??This question has been asked by
many people.The answer to this just lies in your head.What do you love the most and How do
YOU what to live your life In your terms or not.People think differently in different situations .

  • They do the right thing when it comes to situations.They face it with bravery and courage.
  • You need to build your own career.
  • You just need to have the right focus on what you really love  and you should plan to get your ideas and your ideology done.
  • Just do what you really want to do.
  • concentrate on what gives you immense pleasure and happiness.
What makes you  really happy and what makes you love yourself more.It may comprise 
  1.  Businessmen
  2. crafting
  3. engineering
  4. science
  5. blogging
  6. column writing   
  7. fashion   

Just Question yourself whether  your living our life on your own terms or just creating a life of someone in front of you.Parents always cheer their children o move  forward.You should make yourself moving all the time instead of  sitting  like a  stone  and lifeless.Just spread your wings and let your life spread its width and breadth.When you do that you feel immense pleasure,joy and happiness.
                 It is as easy as we talk  people."The more we give to ourselves the more we taste".       
The more you pay attention to what    you really love, the more fruits are to be showered.          
                                 TO be continued....                               

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