Monday, 30 May 2016


Are you sitting ideal all day waiting for that  opportunity. Don't wait for someone to come and tell you to do do something.
You should be in a position to tell someone.
You should be in a position to motivate someone.
You should create good quantity of subject.
You should  take good care of yourself. You should always indulge yourself with positive vibes.
You can do this easily if you have positive friends. The major advantage of having positive friends is that they will help you emotionally and mentally with their amazing support.

You really want to do something, do it now. If someone is holding you back then it's time to get rid of that someone.
Get rid of any human who makes you think.This person will be a negative effect on you and will get you in a dilemma.
This someone will drag you down, and you will see yourself in a locked room.
You should be positive and make friends who stand on the same line like you.

So, understand the situation and deal with it.If you want to grow, you will be alone.You want to touch the heights of your career,then you need to stand still like water.Cause water takes the position of any vessel.This world of opportunities will be like an ocean.You need to be strong willed and stubborn to get what you want.Don't sit in your room laying on the bed for other,s approval. You will never get it. Try something which gives you a positive energy to do something. Try something which you love to do. Learn what you really want to do in life. Your life is in your hands and nobody will help you in building it. If you hate what you are doing and if that thing is holding you back, stop it and move forward.
If you have the motive to start something fresh and new, you need a little bit more courage to start what you want. You need to be a strong stubborn person in order to make it happen.
The force is always with you. If you let yourself down, there will be none pushing you forward.
Be confident, believe yourself. If someone is not giving their approval to achieve something, leave them behind.
It's your choice, it's your opinion, live your life.It's your dream. don't let it go because of something or someone.


Don't sit idle for someone or something.You should start building your ideas and confidence.Now it's  time.Their is no other time to start what you really wanted. You should love yourself no matter what. Their will be people hating you saying you things all day, but you should not get all that in your head. This negativity will shrink you down, make you feel sick about yourself. LIFE is more than that.Struggle hard to get where you want. At the end of the day all that you need id a satisfied feeling in your sleep. The question lies here, which work will give you that immense satisfaction. Find your answers. You are strong and you know it. You are confident and brave.You just need to take a step ahead to achieve what you wanted.


It'a better to be a loser than to be  a failure.It's OK if you loose, try again and again.Try and try until you reach your point. Remember rather than being serving someone its best that you serve yourself.
If you  don't like  what you do, then what is the purpose in life. The best  way is to love the work you do. The spark that you have will be gone if you hate your work.You will be alive in person but dead inside.
You really need to get up and be strong to work hard. BE a leader where people will inspire and will appreciate you.
Believe in yourself. Put your feet forward and be proud.
Take your world in your hand and preach it.
You are the person responsible for you, not anyone.
love and live your life.
Be an achiever.
Be a human being.
Believe in the good.Appreciate yourself and give yourself the time to put the complete focus in your work.Time heals and one day you will be an achiever.



Saturday, 21 May 2016


If you are in the middle of a emotional outburst,spill the beans out.Don't low yourself,It's  time to rise high and let your emotions be heard.
You have a lot of friends around you, what if they are none to share your sorrows and tears?
What is the purpose of having friends?Is it really worth it to have  friends and they are none to listen to you?
Is that it???
Common  people,lift your heads high.
If you are in between an emotional outburst, have some friend's and tell them how you feel.
I have a lot of friends moving with  nervous breakdown and their ain't people to tell them. Because they think it's unnecessary to share their emotions to people.It's time to shut all those insecurities and tell people about how you feel .If you are having less friend's it doesn't matter. Because number is not the problem. The problem is with people.If you have ten friend's and they are nor ready to listen to you, so what happens then. This is the time you  have to think on the right side.So, if you are on the edge of a breakdown spill the beans. A lot of people have problem with judgement.People think that, if they say share their pain with someone, the other person might judge them. It's not a matter of life and death.If they judge you it's their problem and not yours.

So  here are some tips to cool you down.To calm yourself.
                                                                                   This is one friend, who loves to listen to you and makes better suggestions.This friend motivates you all time.So take a look at all your friend's and find a besty who can live up to your expectations.

                                                                      Music is the medicine that heals us all time. If you are going through a heart break or a breakdown, listen to the songs that pump your energy.

Music instantly lifts your mood,makes you forget things. Just be strong and everything falls into place!!!

3.MAKE NEW FRIENDS:                                                      
                                             Socializing with people often relaxes your mood, and the anger goes away. Make  new contacts and friends. Letting yourself engage in work or other stuff makes you instantly feel light and good.

                       This is the best thing that you can do  is to write in a piece of paper about  what you think.This creates a silence in your head and all that whispers that will be hovering in your head will be gone. Trust me on this. This method will make you feel good about yourself.Forgiving the situation is the best thing that you can do.

 So, these are my tips to calm yourself down.  All you need  is a strong heart to move forward!!!
Nobody will be present  next to you all time to give an epic motivation.
You should be the one taking care and loving yourself. And you should be the one motivating yourself.So lets dive into a better and brighter future .
With all good wishes,



Tuesday, 17 May 2016


They are lot of cursed things in this world
Cursed objects throughout the history.
Some believe they exist,and some don't.
But when you read the following you will believe some things do exist, and this will scare you.
We live in the modern world and we don't know probably what existed in the past.
So let's dwell into the subject.

             The hope diamond is one of the most prestigious diamond in the world,with ownership dating back from centuries.It is a much admired rare blue diamond,but said to be cursed.It has a trace of boron atoms weighing 45.52 carats.The jewel is said to be originated in india, and is known to have cut from the french blue(Le bleu de france) presented to king louis  .It acquired its name when it appeared in the catalouge  of a gem collection owned by London banking family called Hope  in 1839.The Hope diamond is repotedly carring a curse,and it is worth $250 million.
It is believed that this diamond brings misfortune and tragedy to the person owning it.The owners who bought the diamond suffered throughout their life.
1.Jacques Colet bought the Hope Diamond from Simon Frankel and committed suicide.
2.Prince Ivan Kanitovski bought it from Colet but was killed by Russian revolutionists.
3.Kanitovski loaned it to Mlle Ladue who was "murdered by her sweetheart.
4.Simon Mencharides, who had once sold it to the Turkish sultan, was thrown from a precipice along with his wife and young child.
5.Sultan Hamid gave it to Abu Sabir to "polish" but later Sabir was imprisoned and tortured.
the hope diamond the crown jewel of the national museum of natural

                                                        Another curse of England comes from the England in 1950's reproduction of the "CRYING BOY'S PAINTING". The curse is said that this picture brings death and sorrow. An example which explains this curse is the FIRE accident which burnt the whole house
but this exceptional painting remains same.

                              Another mummy is  believed to carry a terrible curse,known as the OTZI, also known as the ICEMAN.It is discovered in  September 1991 in  OTZTAL  ALPS in ITALY. OTZI  is the mummy of a man  who is believed to live around 3,300BCE. A glazier has surrounded him after he died of exposure, and preserved his body.But once unearthed ,the curse also surfaced it too and grew stronger.The people who are linked to  the mummy  began to die.Some died in brutal accidents.
A total of seven accidents are tied together with the curse of the ICEMAN.


                    Legend has it that this silver vase made in the 15th century was given to a bride on the eve of her wedding near Napoli,Italy.Sadly she'd never make it to the alter as she was murdered,that very night with the vase in her hands.From there,it was passed down to her family line,but anyone who took possession of it is said to have perished soon thereafter.After many deaths,the family boxed the vase away.Later it resurfaced again in 1988 with a note that read "BEWARE THIS  VASE BRINGS DEATH".However the BASANO VASE was auctioned off for $2,250,the note had been excluded from the item description.The pharmacist who bought it died within 3 months.Three more deaths of new owners followed until finally the curse seemed to go dormant when a desperate family demanded the police to take it away.It has not been seen from then. 

Sunday, 15 May 2016



When someone says something you  hate,get up and say NO.
You have a your own voice and you should spill your words out.
When you don't do that, people take you for granted.

You need to stand up,and speak.Unless you speak there will be none listening to you.
There may be a lot of situations you will be facing every second of your life.Don't compromise by saying YES to all the things you hate.People take you for granted.
In order to reach your goals and dreams, you need to listen to yourself.The voice, that you  have in your head will be moving around all the time.But still,it remains in your head. Focus on your voice and spill it out.There ain't no one killing you for speaking your voice.
There are a lot of situations where you might feel strange to raise your voice.


Are you still  facing criticism constantly, even without your mistake.This is the time to get up from your chair and yell.I know their will be a strange voice  yelling in your head to you to quit the job you hate.Yes, this is the time to quit.If you hate your job, then quit it.Say "NO" to things you hate.It ain't a  sin to listen to your voice.

The voice that I am referring to may be the voice in your head or the voice coming from your mouth.

2.At your school:If people are bullying you all the time, it's time to raise your voice.Say "NO" to the people that are constantly bullying you. It is not a life and death situation to say NO.

Don't be afraid to speak your voice,may be their will be no one to listen to.But you should be listening to yourself. Raise your voice and keep your head high.It's time to end the negativity.You are not born to face this criticism. It's time to end this.

3.FRIENDS: When you are with your friends,it's not really necessary to say"YES".When  you are raising your tone to something you don't like,it's OK if they don't like it.No matter what, you should open your mouth and say your  words.They are precious to you,don't loose them. You should raise your  voice, no matter if they don't like it.If you raise your voice, it means that you value yourself.

Trust me,when you raise your voice,it means you are valuing yourself.

If you don't like something, Just say NO.Raise your voice, and speak.If you don't listen to your voice,who will.
You are the one who should love yourself.There will be none motivating ,taking care of yourself.

It's just you.Surround yourself with positive people.This will bring more positive vibes to your life.You're life will be more comforting than ever.
You are unique.beautiful and lovely.You should understand each and every situation and should respond correctly.You are born  with a purpose and do what you wanna do.Just listen to your heart and go on.Move on with your life.
There's more than negativity,criticism and bullying.There's life which we need to live and enjoy all time.

It's your own battle and you need to fight to win.

Sunday, 8 May 2016



Are you aware of the people that try to put you down.There are  often times when you sit alone in the room,crying? Yes there a lot of times when I just sat in the very corner of my room crying to make sure I am a total failure. But times change all the time.We are all winners.It will the time when the success strikes your head.We are always so busy running in the rat race.But we never think about what we do in order to make us survive in the rat race. Don't run in the race like every other does.

R u one of the person trying to impress everyone??? Lets think about it once.
Don't try to impress people by doing what they like or by your work.Nobody is born to judge others by their work.If you try to impress someone by your work, you are taken as a slave.
You are a winner and you should write your own rules.You should be the one ruling your world,
If you love what you do,You will be out of the race everybody's trying to win,cause you have built your own track.

So,got it what I am trying to say.People always want to to win and loose constantly and they enjoy thoroughly.People's advice,their gossips and comments.We are not born to deal with all these negativity.
Every body is  born a winner,but some see it and earn it by doing their hard work.Everybody should see their winner side,by acting up with courage and determination.

It's all about hard work,determination and confidence.The courage to take up the   idea that makes  you to strike forward .You should first prove yourself and then the rest of the world will automatically appreciate it.If you win a game,thats not the end, you have to win it again and again.We see a lot of people fighting their ideas and chasing their dreams. I can give you  lot of examples who fight for their dreams.

Gerard pique

Lionel Messi

Cristino Ronaldo

David Beckham

Virat Kohli
Sachin Tendulkar

MS Dhoni

When I read about their winning strategies,I feel that we should do our bit to make our strategy win. We should have our own winning strategy.Here winning strategy is nothing but,the technique which we should practice to never give up chasing our dreams.Every body has to have a winning strategy,if you don't have one ,then start  building your strategy. There  are never limits or boundaries drawn for us, we tend to draw all the time.Let's erase all our limits and chase our boundaries,cause they are never made.We make them all the time.It's  time that you see the winner in yourself.There will be a lot of people seeing the other side called the looser side.If they loose once,they they tape them in a room of negativity .They  hate to get up and try again.

We all saw that times coming,and we have tried shutting us away from the world.This is not gonna help you win.You should get up and dust all the negativity and rise high.It's okay that you lost once,try again.
When we are fighting a battle,we try so hard to win.We  never give up,cause it's not in our blood.It should never be.Even if you loose,that means you are on your way to win.Winning is the best strategy to know your boundaries,whether you're boundaries are limited or not.
Every one should taste the success.Here success is never big or small.Success is a definition to your winning  goal.Success is never limited ,it's a continuous battle with ourselves.We fight to know whether we are ready to face the battle or not. The bigger the battle,the bigger the success.

Success is never measured,so as hard work. It's never limited.The more the hard work, the more the taste towards success. And this is the winning strategy.It's never easy.
To win big,you should dream big.To fight your own battle, you should be the one taking the first step.
Even you have a disease ,you fight to become even more immune and better.The same applies in life. You're strategy  is your own identity.To win big ,you have to deal with it big.

Whatever,you do you are considered a winner. It's only the view that you see yourself.You should see yourself as a  lion in the mirror.No matter what the circumstances, you will rise high. Wake up with hope and confidence,and in a span of time,you will see the difference.
You are born a winner,just give yourself to get what you want.Put your 100% efforts and hard work with full determination, and the results will be rocking awesome. You will be on the top.

With all love,
To the most inspiring and wonderful people out there,
To all the winners,
Strike hard, Don't give up,
All the best.

Saturday, 7 May 2016


We live in a globalized world,and we are aware of everything.

We know what's going on in the whole world,not everything but to a greater extent.If someone says,they don't know who is the president of a country,we just open our mouths wide open and give a bad expression.People nowadays are lot more gadget freaks and tech freaks.They love everything about technology.

Lets take up a example
You and you're friend are going out to a park, which is nearer to your house.You choose the best outfit you have.There will be one person to put your self esteem down by saying something negative
about your outfit or the way you dressed.They will a lot meaner things said by people all time.
Even if you are in school,they will be people mocking you all time.
They will be sitting next to you,your classmates  or your friends.My question is ,is it necessary to listen to all those things said by your sick friends??
Think for  a minute.Is it really worth it to listen to all the silly things they say?Are you sure that you don't take any of the hate to your heart?Think and make sure that you are not making your self crazy by all that thinking and feeling lonely and bad.
People go crazy by taking all the negative hate and make themselves dive into depression and self hate.Is it really necessary to take up all the hate to yourself.Other's opinions will gradually turn into self hate by the following ways.


1.When you start thinking more about what others said.

2.When you make yourself feel uncomfortable by thinking about it all the time.

3.When you start giving the top priority to others.

4.When you stop loving your self.

So,by all these factors,you might just loose hope on yourself.Giving the first priority to others,means you are loosing your own control on yourself.You should be the number one priority and you should be showing love toward yourself.People will always be out there saying all mean things about you.They will always take you down by their words and actions.You have an awesome life which you have to enjoy all the time.Its time that you throw shade at people's opinions and  live your life.

People who hate themselves will say the mean comments.God gave us an amazing life and we have to live our lives to the fullest.Let me give you a point to make you think about all this.

1.Make yourself the top most priority. yourself.

3.Its not how you dress,Its how you see yourself in the mirror

4.Feel confident inside.

5.Build a strong attitude.

Building a strong attitude here means,that you should have a strong behavior.Attitude is nothing but combo of  your behaviors.It really reflects  your response to your external environment.Do you normally respond or take it personally to what other say.

They will be a lot of things you will hear about yourself.Remember when people start saying you things,it means that you are growing.Here they may say positive or negative.We should be very strongly determined that we should take both positive and negative in the same way.When we hear a lot of positive stuff,we should not flow on cloud nine. When  we hear about negative stuff we should not break down. Life is all about balancing yourself.The better the balancing,the better your life cycle. We should be like water flowing all the time.Water resembles the shape it occupies.When you are getting positive or negative comments,you should be taking them equally. 

1.Listen to your heart.

2.You are the best critic,no one is.

3.Live your live to the fullest.

4.Enjoy each and every moment.We don't know what comes next.

Let go all the hatred.Its best to live your life on your own terms and ideals.

You are a beautiful soul on this earth and you should not be affected by anyone.Today,they might say a word.Tomorrow they will comment on other.Why you should think about them.Let go and make peace with yourself.

You should be the one motivating yourself all the time.You should be your strength and power.You should walk the road to your destiny like walking on the ramp. Its okay if people say a word, cause that word will never affect your lives.Say yes to being you rather than being others.If you choose living by others,that means you are inviting other people's opinions to your life.
Stay positive and stay strong.
Be you.

Life is too short to ignore it.Chase your fears and dreams.It will be rockiest and bumpiest road front,but never fear cause you have your weapon called confidence all by your side.
Positivity comes to those who face all their fears .Negativity comes to those who obeys their fears.Choose your side and live your side.Its best to rule than to be ruled.
One motto for life
#live and let live
You fight you win
Never listen to others.
 You are your priority.
You should be the one motivating yourself all the time.You should be your strength and power.You should walk the road to your destiny like walking on the ramp. Its okay if people say a word, cause that word will never affect your lives.Say yes to being you rather than being others.If you choose living by others,that means you are inviting other people's opinions to your life.
Stay positive and stay strong.
Be you.
Remember you are a super star of your very own kind.You are special and unique.There will be no one to destroy you,except you.

Thursday, 5 May 2016


The reason behind, you  forcing to do something?We all have that force that drive  us forward. I say, it is the force called passion.We all think that,when we become big we are all gonna become big,famous and earn lots of money.
But the  question  remains same. What do you really think about your passion? Is it really worth it to take your passion forward?And  what is your target to achieve big in the future? So many questions?? Yes,there will be many questions revolving in your  mind.You just completed your graduation and you really dont know what to do.Some of your friends will be trying to put you down, cause you dont have a plan to take yourself  forward. Some of your friends actually plan their future by trying something they love.Some listen to their parents and move forward by their rules and regulations.

You need a EPIC motivation, then  please make some time to read this book

Uff,a lot of stuff happens if you dont plan your future.I am not saying you will be failing,think about it once. Where you are now and what you want to achieve in the future?? What you should  do in order to get there?? Did you plan anything for your future? A lot of questions.Yes you  should be in a position to answer all these.

R  you planing to do something different?well.hell yeah.This is the right time to put your dream into efforts.You want to write a book.Honey write your ideas  on a paper and post it in your blog.
1. Create a blog.Website.
    You should be very proud of yourself,cause  you are putting all your ideas together by writing your own blog.They will be lot of  people reading your ideas and columns. You will be creating  your own income.
2. You Tube
     You have any ideas of  giving great speeches,motivating people then you can try it on you tube.You can teach online on you tube.You tube is  a great platform to reach people  easily.If you want to try something new,You tube is the best platform.

R u planning to work for someone,or dreaming to get into your dream company???
Well this is a good option  to take up,
1. TO GET Placed in your dream company, study hard,chase your dreams, Cause your dream company will be having cutoffs to get good, hardworking people in their company. Try participating in interns, upload your resume frequently.  If the company asks your resume, upload it.Upload  a good one.Take tips from your teachers,google advice to upload a skilled resume.
Companies always look for hardworking rather than intelligence.
2.Get in touch with the company's email. They will let you know all the changes happening in the company. If you get a chance to work in the  company,then  give your best.

R u planning to start your very own company? Stop there and focus on all the details necessary to start your company.
1.Start from the very beginning.Talk to the people who had a experience, starting their company.Take their ideas and start slowly. This will be a process.I get a lot of questions like" If  I loose my company after  sometime,then what do I do" The answer is simple. Start doing the same. Dont regret it.Just start what you stopped and this time do with all the dedication.You will be rising  higher.
2.Planning to start a jewelry line of your own, Then start by doing at home.Spread the word by using social media. Share it with your friends, family. Trust me this will help you achieve even more. If one likes your design,Soon or later everybody gets to know. The key is to have patience, till your designs gets clicked. Then you can bring on your strategy.
3. Want to  be a perfect businessmen   in this world, you need to work super freaking hard.
Let use all the strategies to  know about your business. Create  strategies to make your product buy in the  market.Know all the rules and regulations to keep your business working. Let people feel the need  of your ideas in the market.Content in your ideas should reach people.

So, this is the best time to start thinking and planning your future. No one will be giving an epic motivation to start your career. You should be the one building your future.If you want to start something,start now.

Live and let time
One motto for life
You fight you win
Lets build a better future by ourselves.Its best to rule the world, rather than to be ruled by the world.

Wednesday, 4 May 2016


Today , lets talk about friends.How many of us have good friends???
Here good friends mean that they should be around you ,they should help you and you should feel secure around them.

Lets see,do your friends ignore you all the time,how do you feel around them,  you feel threatened or  you feel like you  have to ignore them or you feel like you have been ignored.
All you need to know is the  types of friends that you are dealing with.They are different types of friends that you try to deal with all day.Is that  the best thing that you can do to yourself. Dont try to deal with your friends.
The first thing that you have to do is that you should make yourself feel comfortable around your friends.
They are different types of friends that you can possibly head to.They are
1.The one that lets you do whatever you want.
2.The one that does  what you say.
3.The one that shuts you from everything.
4.The one that disrespects you before someone.
5.The one that hates you from the inside.
6.The one that tries to cheer you up before others.
7.The one that tries  to back stab behind your back.
8.The one that tries to make you feel good.

See they are a lot of types that you can see in your friend.What do you really do to find your best buddy or your BFF?????
Do you check  the kind of qualities in your friends.
Lets see.
When you learn that you friend is doing something that you dont like,just say it. Dont be hanging around all the time.Do you really do all the things your friend say without even asking him or her.Do you agree to whatever your friend say? just ask these questions to your self.What are you trying to get your BFF?

The answer is very simple.You need  not bow before someone,so that they have to agree you. No,Dont do that.First you friend should be in a condition to help,talk,chat and play and give suggestions  rather than gushing you to make you do things.I am not saying you to not to do things in  order to help people.I am trying to say that ,is that you should  do things what make you right.It should make you feel good.

For example lets take a situation.
You and your friends are chatting and in between they started to back stab or gossip about someone.You didn't like like.Even without saying what you feel,you remained silent cause you are in a fear of losing your friends. If having a voice might loose any friend of yours means that you are not in a good relationship with your friends.Everyone should have a voice. If you are doing something bad your friend should have the  voice to say that you're doing wrong.Same applies to your friend too.
If yo and your friend are doing something good you should have the comfort to say each other that you both are doing good.Why matter  friendship unless you dont have the right to speak up your own voice.

Another example to consider is that when you are gone shopping.
You and your friend both went shopping and you are trying on different dresses .Here the situation must be that both should be indulging in a healthy conversation.
You should be the one telling your friend what are the dresses that compliments her and what are not. Same applies to him/her too. Your friend should not get angry when you say "This dress doesn't look good ".If your'e friend gets  angry by listening to that, you friend  needs to understand that you are not judging him/her. Lets say even it applies vie-versa.
Just by saying  which dress is complimenting you doesn't make you bad.Its just a way of  deciding what best compliments her.

When you are talking with you're class mates,there will one friend that tries to steal all your friends by making  them feel that your bad. This type of friend will be the one back stabbing you from  behind and tries to start gossiping about you.
Dont  try to put put a fight with him/her.Just ignore that kind of energy from coming to you.If you have good friends ,then you need not worry honey.All you need is to do your own business.

                                                                                                                   (  to be continued  )

Monday, 2 May 2016


What do you think about the magazines that show  you the  beautiful pictures of each and every  model,actresses,actor or whatever. They just represent what they want to present in the magazines.
The magazines you see in the market just advertise???????
The top models who represent the magazines work really hard to make their way to stick to their work.
They work really hard,cause they had chosen their career to work for that   particular magazine or specific field they like.They had chosen to live their life like that.So they had to work freaking hard to get that perfect body. Because every magazine or any advertisement,they just portray  the perfection.Many people just see the perfection and just want to adopt that perfection which is not nearly impossible but it is not nearly necessary to adopt each and every perfection.

We know that we are made in unique shapes and sizes.Every ones body structure is different from the other.We are  uniquely different according to our bone structure and shape.Some may work for our body,and some might not work properly.

If you are skinny and you cant grow more pounds, So relish all the food that you want to eat.
If you are curvy, simply love your curves.Some people out there will be dying to get those beautiful curves.
Some people just  live in their kitchen to get fit and abs and all that stuff.Being fit is good and if you really want that killer abs,just follow your mind and hit the gym or just workout in your home.
Fitness really came into being by selling the word "FIT".Here what they meant by fit is that you should get active daily and never be sitting idle on your couch.Because if you sit all day you will start to grow more pounds and  will get obese.So getting obese is never a good point to be taken,as it creates major health problems.The word "FIT" arrived to make people understand this. Nowadays getting core abs or getting a thigh gap has been brilliantly advertised to each and every corner of the world. Young minds have a great impact just by seeing and reading all that stuff.

Let me tell you a story about me
I am bullied (its like my entire life) all the time.People used to call me  names cause of my skin and tall cause I am taller and they used to call me fat  and I am way too heavier than my best friend.
My best friend  is a little shorter and she is way too skinny.You know  what my fellow classmates did??? They just bullied her by calling her skinny and shorty.Their will be people always to bully you no matter what you are. It has to be YOURSELF loving your body and your skin .Not matter what size or shape you are, God just made each and everyone one of you in a unique manner and the first thing you should is that you should embrace yourself.

Loving you is celebrating you.The more you love yourself the more you celebrate about yourself. Thinking about all the negative hate getting from the people you barely know is not that important.
Some people hire people to do their work done. But we choose different.Some want to be an engineer or a doctor, psychiatrist or orthopedician, dentist and the list goes on. We have  a whole lot of duties to attend and just envying about everything you see is not enough.

You need to move on with your life and you should love your body in the process of it.Life is too short to just think on a single stuff. You need to love your curves whether you may be skinny,dark,pale,curvy,fair,dusky,tall,short,thin hair,thick hair,bald head or whatever.
You are born unique and beautiful in your own way.Just choose your passion and live life to the fullest.
Just be active and fit.Never run for the hype created by the market and media.Remember we are not born for all the materialistic things,we are born to make a difference.
Never ever indulge yourself in reading some random unnecessary thing about creating a fantasy cause that's never gonna happen. Remember you are not born for  all that.You are born to do something beyond.

So let the smile come  on your face and lets take a moment and appreciate ourselves by the way we are.So fight  with you so that you can get in touch with your  inner self.We know  that even every single color is different and unique in own way.