Sunday, 15 May 2016



When someone says something you  hate,get up and say NO.
You have a your own voice and you should spill your words out.
When you don't do that, people take you for granted.

You need to stand up,and speak.Unless you speak there will be none listening to you.
There may be a lot of situations you will be facing every second of your life.Don't compromise by saying YES to all the things you hate.People take you for granted.
In order to reach your goals and dreams, you need to listen to yourself.The voice, that you  have in your head will be moving around all the time.But still,it remains in your head. Focus on your voice and spill it out.There ain't no one killing you for speaking your voice.
There are a lot of situations where you might feel strange to raise your voice.


Are you still  facing criticism constantly, even without your mistake.This is the time to get up from your chair and yell.I know their will be a strange voice  yelling in your head to you to quit the job you hate.Yes, this is the time to quit.If you hate your job, then quit it.Say "NO" to things you hate.It ain't a  sin to listen to your voice.

The voice that I am referring to may be the voice in your head or the voice coming from your mouth.

2.At your school:If people are bullying you all the time, it's time to raise your voice.Say "NO" to the people that are constantly bullying you. It is not a life and death situation to say NO.

Don't be afraid to speak your voice,may be their will be no one to listen to.But you should be listening to yourself. Raise your voice and keep your head high.It's time to end the negativity.You are not born to face this criticism. It's time to end this.

3.FRIENDS: When you are with your friends,it's not really necessary to say"YES".When  you are raising your tone to something you don't like,it's OK if they don't like it.No matter what, you should open your mouth and say your  words.They are precious to you,don't loose them. You should raise your  voice, no matter if they don't like it.If you raise your voice, it means that you value yourself.

Trust me,when you raise your voice,it means you are valuing yourself.

If you don't like something, Just say NO.Raise your voice, and speak.If you don't listen to your voice,who will.
You are the one who should love yourself.There will be none motivating ,taking care of yourself.

It's just you.Surround yourself with positive people.This will bring more positive vibes to your life.You're life will be more comforting than ever.
You are unique.beautiful and lovely.You should understand each and every situation and should respond correctly.You are born  with a purpose and do what you wanna do.Just listen to your heart and go on.Move on with your life.
There's more than negativity,criticism and bullying.There's life which we need to live and enjoy all time.

It's your own battle and you need to fight to win.

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